The Institute of Brain Chemistry & Human Nutrition
EU asked for an audit in 2004 about the cost of ill-health. Data described brain disorders at the cost of 386 billion Euros. A cost surpassing all other burdens of ill-health. Lord Morris was persauded by us to ask the upper house the cost in the UK. Lord Warner did not know. To give credit, Dr. Jo Nurse for the Department of Health assessed the cost and reported it at £77 billion in 2007. A cost greater than combined expense of heart disease and cancer . Both were criticised as using new diagnostics. Even so, the cost above others was certainly significant. The cost for the EU was repeated in 2010 and found to be €789 billion. The UK repeat for 2010 came out at £105 billion. The Wellcome Trust had the cost for 2013 at £113 billion in 2013. IBCHN explains this unacceptable rise, and offers the means to both prevent it and provide for continued enhancement of humanity.