Why Learn Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence?
wp:paragraph Machine learning, artificial intelligence (ML & AI) and big data form up a new niche area that is seeing a fast-paced growth...
wp:paragraph Many countries are looking to transform their economies into digital ones, with the aim to progress from a production-based...
Is there a weak link in blockchain security?
Recent research revealed that blockchain is set to become ubiquitous by 2025, entering mainstream business and underpinning supply chains...
Digitalization central to product reinvention
wp:paragraph Digitalization is one of the hottest buzzwords of late, as company executives are fixated on how their businesses can become...
When AI Becomes an Everyday Technology
wp:paragraph The evolution of AI has been a rich tale of exploration since its origins in the 1950’s, with the last decade providing an...
Why are so many companies struggling with digital transformation?
wp:paragraph It’s become all but impossible to have a conversation about technology or business strategy without the words “digital...
Why Businesses Keep Failing to Make the Most of AI
wp:paragraph According to a PricewaterhouseCoopers study, 20 percent of executives plan to incorporate AI across their enterprises in...
AI Could Be Better For The Workplace Than We Think, But We Still Need To Be Careful
wp:paragraph It is amazing what difference a few months can make. Not so long ago, there was a widely-held view that the workplace as we...
Artificial Intelligence In The Workplace: How AI Is Transforming Your Employee Experience
wp:paragraph Artificial intelligence (AI) is quickly changing just about every aspect of how we live our lives, and our working lives...
Keep Your A.I. Buzzwords Straight
wp:paragraph Artificial intelligence is having its moment. Business leaders can’t stop talking about it. New tech products invariably...