The AI arms race spawns new hardware architectures
As society turns to artificial intelligence to solve problems across ever more domains, we’re seeing an arms race to create specialized...
Artificial Intelligence (AI) creates new possibilities for personalisation this year
Technology brands expand beyond their core products and turn themselves into a lifestyle New Delhi: Artificial Intelligence (AI) and...
To survive, asset managers need to embrace disruptive technologies
FROM THE OUTSIDE, asset management looks like an exciting industry that’s immune to technology — but that’s not true. Changes in...
AI Is Actively Watching You In 75 Countries
Recent surveys, studies, forecasts and other quantitative assessments of the impact and progress of AI highlighted the strong state of AI...
Disruptive Technology Design Considerations
A disruptive technology, according to Harvard Business School professor Clayton M. Christensen who coined the term, is one that displaces...
Meet Five Synthetic Biology Companies Using AI To Engineer Biology
TVs and radios blare that “artificial intelligence is coming,” and it will take your job and beat you at chess. But AI is already here,...
AI Can Now Pass School Tests but Still Falls Short on the Turing Test
From winning at Go to passing eighth grade level multiple choice tests, AI is making rapid advances. But its creativity still leaves much...
You Can Now Prove a Whole Blockchain With One Math Problem – Really
The Electric Coin Company (ECC) says it discovered a new way to scale blockchains with “recursive proof composition,” a proof to verify...
How AI can save the retail industry
Brick and mortar stores are closing left and right, but artificial intelligence may be able to keep them alive. The future of retail...
3 Blockchain Improvements That Will Lead to Its Mainstream Adoption
Amazon, Walmart, Facebook, IBM: These are among the household names using blockchain to change business. In fact, according to a recent...