Realizing the Potential of Disruptive Technologies
Electric scooters dominate the streets of our cities, used for nearly 40 million trips across the country just last year alone. Bitcoin...
Why blockchain, despite some early success, remains a corporate enigma
While the benefits of blockchain seem straight forward, the nuances around implementing it – including adding business partners to a...
The Three Types of Artificial Intelligence: Understanding AI
AI is rapidly evolving. Artificial Super Intelligence could be here sooner than expected. According to a Gartner Survey of over 3,000...
The Real Benefits of Blockchain Are Here. They’re Being Ignored
Introducing as many people as possible to the benefits of decentralization is a cause almost everyone in this industry shares. The issue...
AI Facial Recognition Software Has Been Used to Catch a Murder Suspect in China
The concept of someone using artificial intelligence to identify a criminal is no longer just a science fiction plotline. Developments in...
Unlocking the future of blockchain innovation with privacy-preserving technologies
The origins of blockchain as many are familiar with it today can be traced back to the Bitcoin whitepaper, first published in 2008 by...
AI's Memory Problem
Artificial intelligence, which allows computers to learn and perform specific tasks such as image recognition and natural language...
A.I. Is Learning From Humans. Many Humans.
BHUBANESWAR, India — Namita Pradhan sat at a desk in downtown Bhubaneswar, India, about 40 miles from the Bay of Bengal, staring at a...
How 3D And AI Are Driving The Experience Economy
At first glance, the emerging tech and spirits industries might seem unlikely bed fellows. But in reality, the two are converging in...
IoT Evolution: Disruptive Trends
The growth of the Internet of Things continues unabated, and constant innovation in the field makes it difficult to anticipate exactly...